Saturday, December 7, 2024

18 years later, nothing has changed

 You know I'm reading all these news stories regarding healthcare denial since the CEO of United Healthcare was gunned down. When I saw that story the first thing came to my mind is it's a family member of somebody that was denied and they died getting justice. People act like this is not been going on people act like Michael Moore didn't make a documentary "SiCKO" showing everybody what goes on in this country and how other countries are. As all of my family and friends know My deceased first husband Tracy Pierce was featured in his documentary He was 36 years old when he died by death by denial. If you haven't seen the documentary I suggest you watch it it will make you laugh, cry, get angry, it will make you want to move out of the United States. Why are we denied the right to live when we pay a premium for health insurance to care for our families and you have someone in a 4x4 cubicle hitting a deny button determining if you live or die, while the CEOs of these health insurance companies get rich off our deaths and get huge bonuses at the end of the year for all the denials. People wake up this is very near and dear to my heart. Denials happen every day and people lose their loved ones and it is wrong. Health care is a basic human right and should not be profit driven. We deserve the best health care and we deserve to live. All the publicity but the story is getting Where's the publicity for all the families that were denied life-saving procedures why aren't you covering their stories I guarantee you they have number CEOs getting murdered. 

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